Author: Me


Thank you to everyone who has recently started following my site (about 100 of you)! Since I returned from India , I have been busy with many tasks, including the creation of a project timeline for a digital music archive. I do plan to continue this blog at some point in the near future, however other priorities have taken precedence. 

In the meantime, if you come across anything you think I might find interesting (on the web), feel free to post it below! 

brief thoughts on application

It feels odd to throw the word “applied” in front of ethnomusicology. That is, it seems natural enough for the implication to exist regardless of the prefix. Why is it that the applied sector needs to be separate from all-things-academic or “intellectual”…? They seem to go hand in hand – one flows out of the other, or so I’ve thought. If I were giving my own elevator speech, you know, the one-minute answer to the question, “What do you do?” I would never insert the word “applied,” even though I would definitely categorize my work that way in my head. There are too many implications to it – or maybe that’s in my head, too. Our work has an impact on the communities we study regardless of the final product. Not sure why this is on my mind today – the whole thing seems as silly as the supposed distinction between musicology and ethnomusicology.